Nashville Online Meetings

PRIMARY Zoom Meeting Times

Meeting ID (this is not a phone number): 615-555-1234 (Click here to join this meeting now)
Phone number (if you don’t use Zoom): 646-518-9805 (and then enter the meeting ID (no password needed))

For security, there is a password required to join this meeting with video. You can get the password from another member, or call the information line, at 615-345-4334.

The following table shows all the meetings that are on this line. The coloring indicates the normal location of face-to-face meetings.

Other Zoom Meetings

Murfreesboro “Step Into Action” Group

The “Step Into Action” group of SA Murfreesboro has moved to Zoom only, and meets on Sundays at 7:00 PM Central Time

Zoom ID: 666 740 460
Passcode: 098139

Zoom Meeting Format ScriptS

Here are some format scripts (in PDF format) that you can use for Zoom meetings. They are very similar, but have slightly different readings and prayers, to match the normal format of each meeting.

Instructions for Zoom Hosts

Nashville Breakout Rooms (PDF)
